Author Archives: mrjonmoore
S2 E4 What Are Heirlooms, How Do I Grow Them?
Transcript Highlights
R: Hello folks and welcome to episode 4 of season 2 of RegenEarth! I’m your co-host Rich Bowden and I can hear friend and co-host Jon Moore at the microphone in his Highclere Regen Farm studio! Welcome to the show! Continue reading →
2.3. The Easiest Herbs For A Regen Garden
2.3 What are the easiest herbs to grow?
2.3 What are the easiest herbs to grow?
R: Hello folks and welcome to episode 3 of season 2 of RegenEarth! This is the podcast of the RegenEarth online conferences. Hello Jon and welcome to the show!
J: Hello one and all.
R: Ok, Jon. We’ve dealt with backyard veggies in our two previous shows. This week the question is: What are the easiest herbs to grow? Care to have a go at this one?
J: The key, I think, is to look at your eating habits. What herbs are you using now?
R: So, a sort of import replacement for the household. Continue reading →